Droplets Release Notes

July 2024

8 July

  • Debian 10 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

4 July

  • Centos 7 reached end of life on 4 July 2024. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

June 2024

27 June

  • Fedora 40 (fedora-40-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

6 June

  • Centos Stream 8 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

May 2024

30 May

  • We have released an updated Ubuntu 24.04 image that fixes a problem with journald. If you created a Ubuntu 24.04 Droplets on or before 30 May 2024, you can run sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald once as a workaround for the patch.

April 2024

30 April

  • Premium CPUs are now available for Storage-Optimized Droplets.

    Click here to view the full list of new Storage-Optimized Droplet plans with Premium CPUs.
    Slug vCPUs RAM (GB) Disk (GB) Transfer (TB) Price
    so-2vcpu-16gb-intel 2 16 300 4 $131.00 per month
    so1_5-2vcpu-16gb-intel 2 16 450 4 $139.00 per month
    so-4vcpu-32gb-intel 4 32 600 6 $262.00 per month
    so1_5-4vcpu-32gb-intel 4 32 900 6 $278.00 per month
    so-8vcpu-64gb-intel 8 64 1200 7 $524.00 per month
    so1_5-8vcpu-64gb-intel 8 64 1800 7 $556.00 per month
    so-16vcpu-128gb-intel 16 128 2400 8 $1048.00 per month
    so1_5-16vcpu-128gb-intel 16 128 3600 8 $1112.00 per month
    so-24vcpu-192gb-intel 24 192 3600 9 $1572.00 per month
    so1_5-24vcpu-192gb-intel 24 192 5400 9 $1668.00 per month
    so-32vcpu-256gb-intel 32 256 4800 10 $2096.00 per month
    so1_5-32vcpu-256gb-intel 32 256 7200 10 $2224.00 per month

    The new plans are available through the control panel and the API in NYC1, NYC3, SFO2, TOR1, FRA1, BLR1, and SYD1.

25 April

  • The Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (ubuntu-24-04-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

23 April

  • Premium CPUs are now available for Memory-Optimized Droplets.

    Click here to view the full list of new Memory-Optimized Droplet plans with Premium CPUs.
    Slug vCPUs RAM (GB) Disk (GB) Transfer (TB) Price
    m-2vcpu-16gb-intel 2 16 50 4 $99.00 per month
    m3-2vcpu-16gb-intel 2 16 150 4 $110.00 per month
    m-4vcpu-32gb-intel 4 32 100 6 $198.00 per month
    m3-4vcpu-32gb-intel 4 32 300 6 $220.00 per month
    m-8vcpu-64gb-intel 8 64 200 7 $396.00 per month
    m3-8vcpu-64gb-intel 8 64 600 7 $440.00 per month
    m-16vcpu-128gb-intel 16 128 400 8 $792.00 per month
    m3-16vcpu-128gb-intel 16 128 1200 8 $880.00 per month
    m-24vcpu-192gb-intel 24 192 600 9 $1188.00 per month
    m3-24vcpu-192gb-intel 24 192 1800 9 $1320.00 per month
    m-32vcpu-256gb-intel 32 256 800 10 $1584.00 per month
    m3-32vcpu-256gb-intel 32 256 2400 10 $1760.00 per month

    The new plans are available through the control panel and the API in NYC1, NYC3, SFO2, TOR1, FRA1, BLR1, and SYD1.

January 2024

20 January

  • Ubuntu 23.04 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

December 2023

5 December

  • Fedora 37 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

November 2023

27 November

  • The Fedora 39 (fedora-39-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

October 2023

25 October

  • We have disabled password-based authentication for newly created Alma 9 Droplets due to an incompatibility between Alma 9’s password authentication mechanism and DigitalOcean’s provisioning system.

    SSH-based login remains available. Previously created Alma 9 Droplets are not affected.

  • We have disabled password-based authentication for newly created Rocky 8 Droplets due to an incompatibility between Rocky 8’s password authentication mechanism and DigitalOcean’s provisioning system.

    SSH-based login remains available. Previously created Rocky 8 Droplets are not be affected.

  • The Ubuntu 23.10 (ubuntu-23-10-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

17 October

  • Backups now remain available for four weeks even if the associated Droplet is deleted. Previously, deleting a Droplet would also delete its backups.

    You can view your backups and their expiration dates in the control panel and convert them to snapshots.

11 October

  • Premium CPUs for General Purpose Droplets are now available in AMS3 and SFO3.

September 2023

27 September

  • Premium CPUs are now available for General Purpose Droplets.

    Click here to view the full list of new General Purpose Droplet plans with Premium CPUs.
    Slug vCPUs RAM (GB) Disk (GB) Transfer (TB) Price
    g-2vcpu-8gb-intel 2 8 25 4 $76.00 per month
    gd-2vcpu-8gb-intel 2 8 50 4 $79.00 per month
    g-4vcpu-16gb-intel 4 16 50 5 $151.00 per month
    gd-4vcpu-16gb-intel 4 16 100 5 $158.00 per month
    g-8vcpu-32gb-intel 8 32 100 6 $302.00 per month
    gd-8vcpu-32gb-intel 8 32 200 6 $317.00 per month
    g-16vcpu-64gb-intel 16 64 200 7 $605.00 per month
    gd-16vcpu-64gb-intel 16 64 400 7 $634.00 per month
    g-32vcpu-128gb-intel 32 128 400 8 $1210.00 per month
    gd-32vcpu-128gb-intel 32 128 800 8 $1268.00 per month
    g-48vcpu-192gb-intel 48 192 600 9 $1814.00 per month
    gd-48vcpu-192gb-intel 48 192 1200 9 $1901.00 per month

    The new plans are available through the control panel and the API in NYC1, NYC3, SFO2, TOR1, FRA1, BLR1, and SYD1.

25 September

  • The Ubuntu 23.04 (ubuntu-23-04-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

August 2023

2 August

  • We have released new plans for Basic Droplets with Premium CPUs with different vCPU:RAM ratios.

    The new plans are available through the control panel and the API for all data centers. However, plans with a 1:4 vCPU:RAM ratio (like the 2 vCPU and 8 GB RAM plan) are not yet available in LON1, SGP1, and NYC1.

    Click here to view the full list of new plans.
    Slug vCPUs RAM (GB) Disk (GB) Transfer (TB) Price
    s-2vcpu-8gb-amd 2 8 100 5 $42.00 per month
    s-4vcpu-16gb-amd 4 16 200 8 $84.00 per month
    s-8vcpu-32gb-amd 8 32 400 10 $168.00 per month
    s-1vcpu-1gb-35gb-intel 1 1 35 1 $8.00 per month
    s-1vcpu-2gb-70gb-intel 1 2 70 2 $16.00 per month
    s-2vcpu-2gb-90gb-intel 2 2 90 3 $24.00 per month
    s-2vcpu-4gb-120gb-intel 2 4 120 4 $32.00 per month
    s-2vcpu-8gb-160gb-intel 2 8 160 5 $48.00 per month
    s-4vcpu-8gb-240gb-intel 4 8 240 6 $64.00 per month
    s-4vcpu-16gb-320gb-intel 4 16 320 8 $96.00 per month
    s-8vcpu-16gb-480gb-intel 8 16 480 9 $128.00 per month
    s-8vcpu-32gb-640gb-intel 8 32 640 10 $192.00 per month

    The previous plans for Basic Droplets with Premium CPUs are no longer available in the control panel, but remain available through the API and CLI with the same slugs.

    Click here to view the full list of deprecated plans.
    Slug vCPUs RAM (GB) Disk (GB) Transfer (TB) Price
    s-1vcpu-1gb-intel 1 1 25 1 $7.00 per month
    s-1vcpu-2gb-intel 1 2 50 2 $14.00 per month
    s-2vcpu-2gb-intel 1 2 60 3 $21.00 per month
    s-2vcpu-4gb-intel 1 4 80 4 $28.00 per month
    s-4vcpu-8gb-intel 1 8 160 6 $56.00 per month
    s-8vcpu-16gb-intel 1 16 320 9 $112.00 per month

July 2023

20 July

  • The Ubuntu 22.10 distribution has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

17 July

  • Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

6 July

  • Fedora 36 reached end of life on 18 May 2023. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

1 July

  • We no longer bill for outbound data transfer that we determine is dropped by a DigitalOcean firewall rule. Learn more about bandwidth billing.

June 2023

27 June

  • The Debian 12 (debian-12-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

  • Rocky 8.4 and 8.5 have reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, these images are available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove them from our platform.

May 2023

16 May

  • Premium Intel CPUs are now available for CPU-Optimized Droplets in TOR1.

4 May

  • The Fedora 38 (fedora-38-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

April 2023

18 April

  • Premium Intel CPUs are now available for CPU-Optimized Droplets in BLR1.

March 2023

27 March

  • The largest CPU-Optimized Droplet plan is now available in BLR1.

24 March

  • We have extended the promotional period for CPU-Optimized Droplets with Premium Intel CPUs (no billing for outbound data transfer at speeds faster than 2 Gbps) from 30 April 2023 to 30 June 2023. Learn more about bandwidth billing.

23 March

  • Premium Intel CPUs are now available for CPU-Optimized Droplets in SFO2.

February 2023

22 February

  • Premium Intel CPUs are now available for CPU-Optimized Droplets. You can create CPU-Optimized Droplets with Premium Intel CPUs in NYC1, NYC3, FRA1, AMS3, SFO3, and SYD1.

    Compared to CPU-Optimized Droplets with Regular Intel CPUs, CPU-Optimized Droplets with Premium Intel CPUs have the latest hardware and five times more network throughput.

    Additionally, for a promotional period from 1 February through 30 April 2023, we will not bill for outbound data transfer at speeds faster than 2 Gbps for CPU-Optimized Droplets with Premium Intel CPUs. Learn more about bandwidth billing.

    You can use this plan for both standalone Droplets and Kubernetes nodes. You can also resize your existing Droplets to this node plan.

January 2023

5 January

  • Fedora 35 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

December 2022

15 December

  • RancherOS is now fully deprecated on our platform and is no longer available in the control panel or API.

November 2022

16 November

  • The Fedora 37 (fedora-37-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

October 2022

27 October

  • AlmaLinux OS versions 8.6 and 9 base images are now available in the control panel and via the API.

24 October

  • The Ubuntu 22.10 (ubuntu-22-10-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

17 October

  • Premium AMD Droplets now also include servers powered by third generation AMD EPYC processors.

September 2022

20 September

  • When you create a Droplet using the API (POST /v2/droplets), you can now specify a region (like NYC) instead of a specific datacenter (like NYC3). The API then creates your Droplet in any available datacenter within your specified region. For example, if you want to create a Droplet in San Francisco, you can use the region sfo to guarantee that the Droplet will be in SFO1, SFO2, or SFO3. Additionally, you can omit the region entirely (or set it to an empty string) to create a Droplet in any available region.

9 September

  • The Rocky 9 (rockylinux-9-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

August 2022

18 August

10 August

  • Debian 9 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is now only available via the API. We will remove the Debian 9 image from our platform in 30 days.

  • Ubuntu 21.10 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

8 August

  • The Rocky 8.6 (rockylinux-8-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

July 2022

12 July

  • The DigitalOcean API now supports listing Droplets by name by using the name query parameter, as in GET /v2/droplets?name="your_droplet_name". Learn more in the API documentation.

7 July

  • Fedora 34 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

1 July

  • The following pricing changes are now in effect:

    • A new $4 Droplet with 512MB of memory, 10GB of storage, 1 vCPU, and 500GB of outbound data transfer is now available in NYC1, FRA1, SFO3, SGP1, and AMS3. The slug is s-1vcpu-512mb-10gb.

    • We have simplified pricing for DigitalOcean Kubernetes and some Managed Databases for better accuracy and predictibility.

    • The prices of Droplets, Snapshots, Load Balancers, Reserved IPs, and Custom Images have increased.

    There is no change to pricing for Spaces, backups, volumes, DigitalOcean Container Registry, or App Platform. There are also no changes to inbound data transfer or bandwidth pricing.

    This is our first major price change in 10 years, and we believe the new model better fits our understanding of our customers and the expanded breadth of our offerings. For a more detailed breakdown of the changes, see our blog post on our new pricing.

June 2022

27 June

  • To improve security, DigitalOcean no longer accepts TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 connections. This includes connections to www.digitalocean.com, cloud.digitalocean.com, and api.digitalocean.com.

22 June

6 June

  • When creating a Droplet via the API, we now release the Droplet’s IP address when it is in the active state, instead of the new state.

1 June

  • We have deprecated the FreeBSD image on our platform. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is now only available via the API. We will remove the Fedora 34 image from our platform in 30 days.

April 2022

25 April

  • The Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (ubuntu-22-04-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

March 2022

29 March

22 March

  • The Centos Stream 9 (centos-stream-9-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

January 2022

18 January

  • FreeBSD 11.4 (zfs and ufs), Fedora 33, CentOS 8, and Ubuntu 21.04 have reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, these images are available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove them from our platform.

December 2021

8 December

  • The Rocky Linux 8.5 x64 (rockylinux-8-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

November 2021

15 November

  • The Droplet Console now supports running the SSH daemon, sshd, on a custom port. Previously, it required sshd to listen on port 22.

9 November

  • The Fedora 35 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

  • General Purpose Droplets are now available in BLR1.

October 2021

25 October

  • Ubuntu 20.10 has reached its end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

  • The Ubuntu 21.10 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

September 2021

27 September

  • The Debian 11.0 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

August 2021

9 August

  • Released v1.63.0 of doctl, the official DigitalOcean CLI. This release includes a number of new features:

    • The database firewall sub-commands now support apps as trusted sources
    • New monitoring alert sub-commands for creating and managing alert policies
    • The --droplet-agent flag was added to the compute droplet create sub-command to optionally disable installing the agent for the Droplet web console

  • The Droplet Console is now in General Availability.

2 August

June 2021

10 June

  • The new Droplet Console is now in private beta. The Droplet Console gives you one-click SSH access to your Droplet from within a web browser, so you don’t need a password or SSH keys to connect.

May 2021

26 May

  • Fedora 32 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

  • Ubuntu 16.04 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

17 May

  • Storage-Optimized Droplets are now available in SGP1.

April 2021

27 April

  • Premium AMD Droplets are now available in NYC1, SGP1, AMS3, BLR1, LON1, and TOR1. You can view the availability of all of our products by datacenter on the regional availability page.

  • The Fedora 34 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

26 April

  • The Ubuntu 21.04 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

9 April

  • With the completion of datacenter work, we have re-enabled resizing between regular and premium Intel Droplets in NYC3 and SGP1.

March 2021

9 March

  • Storage Optimized Droplets are now available in TOR1 and BLR1.

February 2021

22 February

  • Our Basic Droplet plans now include Premium Intel and AMD Droplets, which have faster Intel and AMD CPUs and NVMe SSDs. Premium Intel plans are availabile in all regions, and Premium AMD plans are available in NYC3, SFO3, and FRA1.

    All users can create Premium Droplets, resize from Regular Intel Droplets to Premium Intel Droplets, and create Premium Droplets as worker nodes in Kubernetes clusters. Resizing between Regular Intel Droplets to Premium Intel Droplets is disabled in NYC3 and SGP1 until the end of March 2021.

11 February

  • FreeBSD 12.1 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

December 2020

7 December

  • CentOS 6 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

1 December

  • We recently replaced Standard Droplet plans with Basic Droplet plans. Today, we have deprecated Standard Droplet plans from the API for new users. Existing customers will retain access to these plans.

    Click here to view the complete list of deprecated plans.
    Class Slug vCPUs RAM Disk Transfer Monthly Price
    Standard 512mb 1 512 MB 20 GB 1 TB $5
    Standard 1gb 1 1 GB 30 GB 2 TB $10
    Standard 2gb 2 2 GB 40 GB 3 TB $20
    Standard 4gb 2 3 GB 60 GB 4 TB $40
    Standard 8gb 4 4 GB 80 GB 5 TB $80
    Standard 16gb 8 16 GB 160 GB 6 TB $160
    Standard 32gb 12 32 GB 320 GB 7 TB $320
    Standard 48gb 16 48 GB 480 GB 8 TB $480
    Standard 64gb 20 64 GB 640 GB 9 TB $640
    Standard 96gb 24 96 GB 960 GB 10 TB $960
    Standard s-1vcpu-3gb 1 3 GB 60 GB 3 TB $15
    Standard s-3vcpu-1gb 3 1 GB 60 GB 3 TB $15
    Standard s-6vcpu-16gb 6 16 GB 320 GB 6 TB $80
    Standard s-8vcpu-32gb 8 32 GB 640 GB 7 TB $160
    Standard s-12vcpu-48gb 12 48 GB 960 GB 8 TB $240
    Standard s-16vcpu-64gb 16 16 GB 1280 GB 9 TB $320
    Standard s-20vcpu-96gb 20 20 GB 1920 GB 10 TB $480
    Standard s-24vcpu-128gb 24 24 GB 2560 GB 11 TB $640
    Standard s-32vcpu-192gb 32 32 GB 3840 GB 12 TB $960
    High Memory m-16gb 2 16 GB 60 GB 5 TB $75
    High Memory m-32gb 4 32 GB 90 GB 5 TB $150
    High Memory m-64gb 8 64 GB 200 GB 5 TB $300
    High Memory m-128gb 16 128 GB 340 GB 5 TB $600
    High Memory m-224gb 32 224 GB 500 GB 5 TB $1100

    You can view Droplet plans, the resources they provide, and the size slug used to identify them programmatically by querying the /v2/sizes endpoint.

November 2020

24 November

  • Fedora 31 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

18 November

  • Droplet-related error messages now display on the Droplet’s History page in the control panel.

10 November

  • We have reduced the prices of Memory-Optimized Droplets by about 11%. Existing Memory-Optimized Droplets will be charged at the lowered price from the month of November on, reflected in the December invoice.

  • We have released Storage-Optimized Droplet plans. Storage-Optimized Droplets have NVMe SSD storage and are best for extra-large databases, caches, and analytics workloads.

    All users can now create Storage-Optimized Droplets in AMS3, FRA1, LON1, NYC1, and SFO3 using the control panel, API, or CLI. The slugs for the new plans are so-2vcpu-16gb, so-4vcpu-32gb, so-16vcpu-64gb, so-24vcpu-128gb, and so-32vcpu-256gb.

4 November

  • FreeBSD 12.2 UFS and ZFS base images are now available in the control panel and via the API. We have replaced the image slug for the UFS FreeBSD image, freebsd-12-x64, with freebsd-12-x64-ufs. Our support for 12.1 continues for three months after the release date of 12.2, which is currently scheduled for 31 January 2021.

October 2020

27 October

  • The Fedora 33 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

26 October

  • You can now change the default VPC network for a region. When you change the default VPC network for a region, the new default network will be automatically selected during applicable resource set ups unless otherwise specified.

22 October

  • The Ubuntu 20.10 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

1 October

September 2020

16 September

8 September

  • Fedora 30 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

2 September

  • Standard Droplet plans have been replaced with Basic Droplet plans. We have added one new plan, s-8vcpu-16gb, and deprecated the following plans:

    • s-1vcpu-3gb
    • s-3vcpu-1gb
    • s-6vcpu-16gb
    • s-8vcpu-32gb
    • s-12vcpu-48gb
    • s-16vcpu-64gb
    • s-20vcpu-96gb
    • s-24vcpu-128gb
    • s-32vcpu-192gb

    These deprecated plans are now unavailable in the control panel, but you can still create Droplets with those plans using the API or doctl.

August 2020

4 August

  • We have released a Droplet metadata endpoint which returns whether or not a Droplet is scheduled for a live migration. The impact of live migrations on Droplets is minimal, so users now only receive direct notifications for migrations that require us to power down a Droplet, which (except in emergencies) we send 7 days in advance.

1 August

  • Ubuntu 19.10 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

July 2020

31 July

23 July

  • The FreeBSD 11.4 UFS and ZFS base images are now available in the control panel and via the API.

22 July

  • Memory-Optimized Droplets are now in general availability and are available in the SFO3 and TOR1 datacenter regions.

May 2020

26 May

  • CoreOS Container Linux has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

15 May

  • Users can now search for Marketplace apps directly from the Droplet Create page.

12 May

April 2020

29 April

28 April

  • The Fedora 32 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

  • The DigitalOcean Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service is now available for all customers. VPC replaces the private networking service. Existing private networks will continue to function as normal but with the enhanced security and features of the VPC service. See the description of VPC features for more information.

23 April

  • The Ubuntu 20.04 LTS base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

22 April

21 April

  • You can now choose a root password during Droplet creation rather than receiving an automatically-generated password via email.

7 April

March 2020

16 March

13 March

  • Users who create a 1-Click App can now access the instructions for their app by clicking the Get Started link next to their Droplet on the project homepage.

12 March

  • You can now only rebuild Droplets from images that use an OS that resides in the same OS family as the Droplet being rebuilt. For example, a Droplet running Ubuntu 16 can be rebuilt from an image running Ubuntu 18, but it cannot be built from an image running Debian.

11 March

  • The Debian 10.3 and 9.12 base images are now available in the control panel and via the API.

9 March

February 2020

24 February

  • We began the incremental release of a feature that allows users to destroy select resources associated with a Droplet when they destroy the Droplet.

January 2020

30 January

  • Ubuntu 19.04, FreeBSD 12.0, Fedora 28, Fedora 28 Atomic, and Fedora 29 have reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, these images are available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove them from our platform.

24 January

  • The RancherOS 1.5.5 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

22 January

  • The CentOS 8.1 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

December 2019

18 December

  • The Fedora 31 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

17 December

  • The Debian 10.2 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

12 December

November 2019

8 November

4 November

October 2019

31 October

  • Memory-Optimized Droplets are now in general availability and are available in the NYC1 and SFO2 datacenter regions.

21 October

  • The Ubuntu 19.10 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

September 2019

10 September

August 2019

14 August

  • We have updated the default Ubuntu x64 base image from 18.04.1 to 18.04.3. For details about 18.04.3, see the Ubuntu release notes.

July 2019

12 July

  • We have updated the FreeBSD 12 (ufs & zfs) images to fix a bug related to private networking and SSH keys.

  • The FreeBSD 11.3 base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

8 July

  • The Debian 10 (buster) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

June 2019

17 June

  • 6-hour and 1-day alert policies for Droplets and Kubernetes worker nodes have been deprecated. No new alert policies with these intervals can be created. Existing alert policies using these intervals will remain in place until 1 August 2019, at which point they will be modified to reflect a 1-hour interval.

3 June

  • We have updated the RancherOS base image from v1.5.1 to v1.5.2 in the control panel and API.

May 2019

22 May

  • FreeBSD 12.0 (ufs & zfs) base images are now available in the control panel and via the API.

  • FreeBSD 10.4 (ufs & zfs) has reached end of life and is no longer available from the control panel.

  • Fedora 27 reached end of life and is no longer available from the control panel.

1 May

  • Fedora 30 base images are now available in the control panel and via the API using the slug fedora-30-x64.

April 2019

30 April

  • Ubuntu 14.04 reached end of life and is no longer available from the control panel.

18 April

2 April

March 2019

30 March

February 2019

26 February

October 2018

18 October

September 2018

10 September

August 2018

14 August

1 August

July 2018

27 July

  • We have updated the default Ubuntu x64 base image from 16.04.4 to 18.04.1. For details about 18.04.1, see the Ubuntu release notes.

19 July

  • Ubuntu 17.10 reached end of life today and is no longer available from the control panel or API.

16 July

  • We updated the Debian 9 base image from 9.4 to 9.5. The image is available in the control panel and via the API using the slug debian-9-x64.

11 July

3 July

1 July

June 2018

19 June

13 June

  • We updated the RancherOS container image from 12.0 to 14.0. Learn more about the new version on Rancher’s release page.

11 June

  • Expanded Droplet View allows customers using the Dashboard to click on a Droplet and quickly view additional information about the Droplet without having to go to the Droplet Page. It also updates the list of Droplets to display at a glance whether Backups are on/off and if a Floating IP is attached.

5 June

May 2018

17 May

  • Turned on Droplet Search in the top navigation for all users. Allows users to quickly search for Droplets by name or IP address and go directly to the Droplet Page.

1 May

  • Fedora 28 is now available using the slugs fedora-28-x64 and fedora-28-x64-atomic. The images are now public to all users.

April 2018

27 April

24 April

17 April

January 2018

16 January