
Displays release notes for the specified tags.

{{< release-notes tag [tag2 tag3 ...] >}}

Uses a list of unnamed parameters. Use quotes for tags with hyphens, like "load-balancers".


Single Tag

{{< release-notes droplets >}}

Renders to:

Latest Updates

8 July 2024

  • Debian 10 has reached end of life. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

4 July 2024

  • Centos 7 reached end of life on 4 July 2024. Per our image deprecation policy, this image is available exclusively via the API for the next 30 days before we remove it from our platform.

27 June 2024

  • Fedora 40 (fedora-40-x64) base image is now available in the control panel and via the API.

For more information, see the full release notes.

Multiple Tags

{{< release-notes snapshots backups "custom-images" >}}

Renders to:

Latest Updates

5 June 2024

22 April 2024

  • We’ve corrected a bug where image types other than snapshots could be listed using the GET /v2/snapshots endpoint. This behavior was strictly limited to image types that the user was properly authorized to access, such as backups and custom images.

15 April 2024

For more information, see the full release notes.